
Cinta itu buta, tetapi ia tidak tuli...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Pagi ini dibuat ketawa sama salah satu display picture dari bbm temen, begini tulisannya :

Cinta itu buta, tetapi ia tidak tuli!!!
Ia bisa membedakan mana suara HONDA BEAT, dan mana suara HONDA JAZZ..

- Nothing Personal :p

Things You Can't Buy In Stores

Saturday, July 28, 2012

In this life there are some thing you can't buy in stores...

1. Love
2. Best Friends
3. Happiness
4. Dreams
5. Time

Another bored time.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today is a :?*&$%_+@!#$ day...
And it's not in a good way.
I need a power. Right now.
All i want to do is just sit down for a while and not worry about a single-damn-thingy.

Hhh, it feels like..
"...i try my best but don't succeed.
i feel so tired but i can't sleep..
Stuck in reverse..
And tears come streaming down my face..
When i lose something i can't replace..
I love someone but it goes to waste.."

Maybe i need Coldplay to fix me..

Help Me!!

*By the way, I've just realized my "daily" label is just full of my shit.. I never write about good things in my daily activity. haha. Ok, i'll post it later yaa..

Little Reunion :*

In life we need certain things to survive..
Water, Air, Food, and..


Location : Beerdy (Gandaria City), Shisha Cafe (Kemang)

Entah mengapa kok menyentuh..

Ga tau nii, bawaan mau dapet atau apalah, mendadak sensi terus..
Semalem baca2 twit, eh ada kalimat yang mungkin sebenernya biasa, tapi kok nyentuh banget ya (buat gue aja kali yak. haha).. Begini bunyinya:

"Berpura-puralah mencintaiku,
sampai kau lupa bahwa kau sedang berpura-pura"

Amazing Kiddo!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Last year, days before Christmas, my boyfie and i went to Pondok Indah Mall. We was looking for some Christmas thingy :)
Dan kebetulan disana lagi ada pameran, mini akuarium gitu. Isinya banyak ikan hiu kecil dan ikan lainnya yang saya kurang pahami :P (I'm not addicted to fish but i quiet enjoyed that aquarium), so i asked so many questions to my boyfie, and poor, he just gave me.. Mmm about 25% from my questions..
Karena saya orang yang tidak cukup puas, sayapun terus menerus bertanya, then he just made jokes of my questions. Hahaha..
When we were laughing, there's a 7 years old kiddo came to us, then talked without any permission. Here's a dialogue:

"Ikan yang anda dilah disana adalah ikan jenis bla bla bla bla. Sedangkan yang bewarna hitam disebelah kanannya adalah ikan jenis bla bla bla.
Ikan jenis ini biasanya hidup di perairan jenis bla bla, mereka umumnya tinggal di perairan seperti itu karena bla bla bla..."

My boyfie and I just look each other. Bingung. How could he knows everything??! Awalnya kami kira dia itu adalah orang yang bertugas disana atau sedang ikut tugas sekolah..
Karna penasaran, sayapun melakukan bebera pertanyaan singkat. Kurang lebih seperti ini:

Me: "Kamu kok tau semuanya sih, ini acara sekolah kamu ya?"
Kiddo: "Bukan. Ini bukan acara sekolah saya, namun jika anda ingin bertanya saya bersedia membantu anda"
(He answered my questions with very polite sentences. I swear he's a genius one)
Me: "Kamu namanya siapa? Umur berapa? Kok kamu pinter banget sih?"
Kiddo: "Nama saya (I forget the name, he spelled it too fast), saya berusia 7 tahun, saya mengetahui ini semua karna saya gemar membaca. Jika anda ingin tahu lebih banyak, silahkan datang kerumaku"

Lalu anak tersebut langsung melanjutkan penjelasannya mengenai ikan tersebut.
It was unforgettable moment. I love that kid :)
So before we end our conversation, i asked him to take a pic with me :) hehehe..
Here's my pic with the amazing kiddo :)

Stupid-but lovely-conversation

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Another way to express how we care each other :) :p

Saturday evening at 7-11 Cipete, Jakarta Selatan

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Saya dan pacar suka banget jalan-jalan..
Biasanya sih kita suka abisin waktu dengan pergi ke tempat yang belum pernah kita kunjungi, nonton atau wisata kuliner.
But that day was different, karena berhubung dompet juga udah tipiiss sekarat, jadi kita memutuskan buat nongkrong-nongkrong cantik aja, yang tempatnya ga jauh dari rumah saya (buat irit bensin) dan ada wi-fi plus bisa nongkrong tanpa keluar uang banyak.. hahaa.. udah murah banyak mau pula. haha.
And the best place is 7-11 Cipete Raya.
We just bought 2 bottles of Indomilk, a bread and chitatos. It just takes Rp. 15.000,- Then we get what we want..
Sampe diatas (Tempat nongkrongnya ada di lt.2) udah full sama ABG.. We are the only adults there.
Sedikit mati gaya sih. Malem minggu, nongkrongnya di tempat anak 16 tahun ke bawah... *ngah!!
Tapi yaudahlah yaa..
Celingak-celinguk.. Ada yg shuffling, gossipin temen sekelasnya, ngomongin kakak kelasnya yang pemain basket. Teenager's life. Like me, 6 years ago ;)
Ga mau ketinggalan, ikutan aja pasang muka tebel. Foto2..

Here's our pics..
Enjoyy... :p
Location: 7-11 Cipete Raya, Jakarta Selatan 

Isidor and Ida Straus (TITANIC 1912)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In memory of 1.523 souls
April 15th, 1912
02:20 AM

"The sound of people drowning
is something I cannot describe to you
and neither can anyone else.
It is the most dreadful sound
and then there is dreadful silence
that follows it."

Eva Hart - Titanic survivor

"RMS Titanic adalah sebuah kapal penumpang super Britania Raya yang tengglam di Samudra Atlantik Utara pada tanggal 15 April 1912 setelah menabrak sebuah gunung es pada pelayaran pertamanya, dari Southampton, Inggris menuju Ney York.
Kapal ini dibangun pada 1909 sampai 1911 oleh galangan kapal Harland and Wolff di Belfast. Kapal ini sanggup mengangkut 2.224 penumpang." -Wikipedia

Titanic identik dengan "Jack and Rose", tapi siapa sangka ada cerita romantis lainnya didalam sini.
Another love story, between Mr. Isidor Straus (67) and Mrs. Ida Straus (63).
Mr. Isidor Straus  (67) and Mrs. Ida Straus (63) are the first class passengers aboard the Titanic.
This couple had been married for 41 years at the time of the disaster, and they have 6 children.
They always traveled together ; In fact they were rarely apart during their married life, and if they were apart, they always wrote each other every day during the periods on separations.
During the sinking, Titanic's officers pleaded with the 63 year old Ida to board a lifeboat and escape the disaster, but she repeatedly refused to leave her husband. Instead, she placed her maid in a lifeboat, taking her fur coat off and handing it to the maid while saying, "I won't need this anymore", who unfortunately din not survive.
At one point, she was convinced to enter one of the last two lifeboats, but jumped out as her husband walked away to rejoin him.

"Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can the floods drown it."

Loving Decision

Senator SmithDid she [Ida Straus] step into the boat? 

Mr. Crawford: She stepped onto the boat, on to the gunwales, sir, but then she stepped back. 
Senator SmithWhat followed? 
Mr. CrawfordShe said, "We have been living together for many years, and where you go, I go." 
Senator SmithTo whom did she speak? 

Mr. CrawfordTo her husband. 

Senator SmithDid you see her get into the boat?
Mr. WoolnerShe would not get in. I tried to get her to do so and she refused  to leave Mr. Straus. The second time we went up to Mr. Straus, and I said to him: "I am sure nobody would object to an old gentleman like you getting it. There seems to be room in this boat." He said: "I will not go before the other men."

Every woman is beautiful.. (How to be beautiful)

Monday, July 16, 2012

The motto is :
"If you look good, you feel good..
when you feel good, you do good.."

Every woman wants to be beautiful.

If you are a woman and you aren't agree with my sentences or you don't want to be beayriful, I'll tell you are a perfect liar...
Basically we (women) were born beautiful, we are perfectly perfect in our ways..
Remember: God never creates losers, right?
So, if you think you aren't beautiful, I just want to tell you... YOU ARE WRONG!!!
To be beautiful, we don't have to wear the most expensive dresses from the famous designer, use an expensive perfume or something like that...

To be beautiful... You don't have to be someone else. Instead, YOU JUST HAVE TO BE THE REAL YOU.. It's the most important thing, because it comes from the inside.

Another steps to be beautiful:

1. Sleep minimum 6-8 hours per night.
Why? Because sleep helps the body to make some repair. Our cells produces more protein while we are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage.

2. Drink mineral water, at least 1,5 Liter per day.
It can help detoxify your body
Composition of Mineral Water: 
*CalciumThe mineral calcium is crucial to maintain normal bone density. Intake of calcium in sufficient amounts helps strengthen the bones and prevent development of bone diseases like osteoporosis.
Magnesium: This mineral boosts the immune system, thereby helping to fight infections effectively.
Sulfate: Sulfate acts as a detoxifying agent and helps to cleanse the body thoroughly.
Iron: Iron is very important as it rejuvenates the skin, thereby improving physical appearance. Iron is crucial to transport oxygen effectively to all the body cells, as well as improve energy levels of the body.

3. Wash your face twice daily.
If you clean your face every,  you will stop the spread of bacteria that leads to acne breakouts.

4. Brush your teeth minimum twice daily.
By brushing your teeth twice a day you ensure that you have a fresh breath all the time.

5. Pluck or wax your eyebrow.
Properly waxed brows can highlight the eyes as a gorgeous focal point.

6. Smile and be confident.

a. Smiling makes us attractive
b. Smiling changes our mood
c. Smiling boost your immune system (When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?)
d. Smiling makes you look younger (The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.)

7. Be a positive thinker.
Positive thinking needs consistent effort as you are creating a new habit. On the other hand, negative thoughts can rip your focus from your goal. There is no greater joy than living a healthy and positive life. So take charge of your mind and think positive. 

Remember, you are what you think.

Places I Love..

The Biggest Lies (A Girl Will Tell)

1. I hate him

2. I don't care what you think of me

3. I don't want to be popular

4. I'm Fine, it's ok...

Taman Suropati, Jakarta

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Same Place, Different Time; Same Man, Different Moment"

As usual, kemarin sore, berencana jalan2 sama pacar.. Karena bingung mau kemana, akhirnya tercetuslah niat untuk pergi ke Taman Suropati, Menteng.
Ketika tiba disana, jengjeng.... It's different, it's more beautiful than before.
langsung deh otak automatically ter-rewind ke masa lalu...
Tepatnya 3 tahun 3 hari yang lalu, kenangan-kenangan dulu, dimana tempat ini jadi sejarah khusus.
3 tahun lalu, salama setaun lebih pacar saya PDKT ke saya, tapi saya tolak terus..
But he is a  good "never-stop-trying" man... so the next 2 years, he got me. (Maybe i'll talk about it in another post)

Back to Taman Suropati...

Taman ini awalnya bernama Burgemeester Bisschopplein, berbentuk persegi panjang dan berlokasi di kawasan perumahan menteng, tepatnya di antara Jl. Imam Bonjol dan Jl. Diponogoro.
Taman yang berdiri sejak tahun 1920 ini memiliki luas 16.328m dan dihiasi dengan patung-patung karya pematung dari seluruh ASEAN, serta dilengkapi dengan air  mancur, jogging track, dan biasanya ada pedagang asongan yg hilir mudik.. .
Hj Latirf Aspar (Brunei Darussalam)
Nonthivathn Chandhanaphalin (Thailand)
Wee Beng Chong (Singapore)
Sunaryo (Indonesia)
Luis E. Yee Jr (Junyee) (Philippines)
Lee Kian Seng (Malaysia)

Nice place to re-FRESH-ing deh, khususnya buat warga ibukota Jakarta yang sehari2nya dihiasi dengan kemacetan, polusi, stress perekrjaan dsb..


Pictures (Source) : IDJakarta


Short trip to Cimory dan Curug Panjang, Puncak

Monday, July 9, 2012

I love traveling..
Visit new places, new people, do something new, and many more... Especially with my lovely ones!
Week ago, I went Bogor with my sister, her boyfie and my boyfie :)
Just bring Rp.200.000,- per pax, you could have a great vacation...
We went there by a motorcycle, just less than 2 hours.. (pinggang lumayan encok sih :p) but, Thanks to Honda Blade (bensinnya irit... bangeeett...)

When we arrived there, we decided to stayed in Mega Mendung Permai Permai.
Type of room: Kejora (1 queen bed, television, bathroom with shower and water heater)
Price: Rp.195.000,- nett (Weekdays) and Rp.215.000,- nett (Weekend) - All the price is included breakfast for 2 persons.
Facilities: Swimming Pool, Children's playground, Restaurant.
The place is good, far from the high way. And the room is like a cottage.

Then after rest for a while, we had a Early Dinner at Cimory.
The location is not far from Mega Mendung, just +- 300m.
The place is cool and romantic. I love this place. really do!

The next day, before checked out, we had a breakfast in a restaurant, played in a playground and swam for hour.

Then when we decided to back to Jakarta, we ate in a 'warung indomie' around there, the location is good, not far..
After had a short conversation, she showed me a direction to Curug Panjang, what a funny name.. We never hear that name before. So we decided to went there..
What a looong road, (jalannya susah ditempuh, banyak kerikil, dan jalanannya banyak yg ancur), but the view is sooooo good!! Natural..
The ticket: Rp.8000,- per pax (Termasuk parkir)

There's nothing better than spend your times with people you love.