

Saturday, October 24, 2015

"They say love is blind. I disagree. Infatuation is blind, love is all-seeing and accepting.
Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes and accepting them.
Love is accepting the bad habits and mannerisms and working around them.
Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities and knowing your role is to comfort.
Love is working through all the challenges and painful times.
Infatuation is fragile and will shatter when life is not perfect.

Love is strong and it strengthens because is real."

I personally don't believe in Love At The First Sight.
Because for me, love takes time.
It needs 2 persons who really want to be together, walk together and fight together.
Love is an actions, not words.

You don't have to posted a picture with lingerie and messy hair to show the whole world you've just had sex.

You don't have to show the whole world how good you are in a relationship.

You don't have to show the world if you have a problem with your lover and you are the only one who gets hurt.

You don't have to get mad if someone else loves your lover.

I think a lot of people don't understand what the real love is (especially girls)

Anyone can buy flower, candy, jewelry or even have sex, but there's no love in that.
The truly romantic things in life are those little things you do everyday to show you care.
It's going out of your way to make them happy.
The way you hold your lover's hand when she/he scared.
Letting your lover eating your food.
Telling him/her she's beautiful or he's handsome, even when she's in her sweats.
Love is when we can be our self and not worry about what our lover will think
We find strength in knowing we have a true friend and possibly a soul mate.
Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile.

Love is not about buying, it's about giving.

Thank you for being a part in my journey and let me be a part in your journey.
I love you, as always.
- Pingu -

Move Out/In

Friday, October 23, 2015

This week is not a good week for me. Quiet busy and hectic, honestly i'm tired, my tired is tired.
I'm so stress and today is the highest level of my stress.
Today is the day when my coffee needs coffee.


2:30AM and i'm still wide awake.

I decided to blogging :)
Let`s write something good one i haven't shared with you yet. About me, my decision..

Couple days ago i read this : I believe the process of letting go hurts, and the idea of having to start all over again is scary. But I also believe that a new journey is always exciting :) Smile and sail away!

So true..

This year, 2015, I'm 26 years old.
6 months ago I made a decision, to move out from my parent's house and move in with someone else.
First of all my mom was shock, yea, moving out is not the tradition in my family, i was confuse how to talk, but still we talked very nicely and she understands.
She's the best mom in the world.
This is my first time and it was not easy in the beginning but it was not as hard as what i think before. Really.
The good thing is we live by our own rules, without curfews or restrictions and take care of responsibilities on our own schedule and in our own way.
I have to tell you that i change and i learned a lot..

1. I`ll become a neat freak
Yea, i`ll do anything to make everything neat and clean all the time

2. Thrifts stores are my new best friends

3. Grocery shopping is my new hobby
Well, i have a good grocery shopping skills. Really :))

4. Play PlayStations whenever we want
Heaven!! We can play video games any... time... we... want..

and the most important thing is...

5. Independence
I learn how to make things on our own, be more responsible and stronger :)
Various experiences in my life have taught me that it`s not what i have in the world, it's what i have inside. When you live light, you can gather more experiences and in the end, that's what counts.

Here`s quote for you..

Change can be scary,
but you know what's scarier?
Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving and progressing.
- Mandy Hale

See you in another post buddies.
I still have so many stories to share after i moved out..
Keep reading, loves!

G o o d n i g h t , g o o d p e o p l e . . .

Happy-Early-Halloween. #Sing-a-poo

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Of all the books in the world,
the best stories are found between
the pages of a passport..

No day is typical, but i want my Saturday best.
I was busy in the last 3 weeks, a little bit hectic lately.
All i wanna do is going somewhere, enjoy the sun in another country, play all day long..


So, let's the adventure begin ~

Yup! Singapore.

Alasannya kenapa Spore adalah:
1. Waktu kita yang terbatas (3D2N)
2. Dekat, hanya 1,5 jam dari Jakarta
Ya, balik lagi, karena waktu yang terbatas, harus pinter-pinter pilih tempat yang perjalanannya ga makan waktu banyak :)
Ini adalah alesan utama, happy banget, udah setahun ga kesini :')

Kita berangkat hari jumat malam, naik UBER TAXI, recommended banget.
Tarifnya murah,, supirnya super ramah. Ini pertama kalinya saya menggunakan applikasi ini.
Last check in adalah jam 19.10, dan kita baru berangkat dari rumah jam 18.20
Alesannya apalagi kalau bukan partner in crime saya yang harus 'pumping' otot ~ fiuh.

Masuk toll, itu macet parah.. Singkat cerita kalau bukan karena supir UBER TAKSI tsb, mungkin tiket pesawat kita angus, setelah melewati proses Fast and Furious alias kebut-kebutan, akhirnya kita tiba pas jam 19.10, dimana petugasnya sudah bersiap mau pergi.
Jam 8 pesawat kita berangkat dan stengah 10 malam kita sampai di Singapore :)

FYI, sama kaya tahun lalu, kita menginap di Chinatown, apalagi kalau bukan karena banyak tempat makanan yang enak dan toko souvenir dimana-mana. Hari pertama kita habiskan dengan makan, dan tidur, bersiap untuk main seharian besok di Universal Studio.
Karena ini bulan oktober, Halloween, jadi Universal menjual tiket untuk permainan malam bertemakan halloween, berbeda 180 derajat dengan siang hari.

The best permainan yang kita coba masih sama, The Mummy dan Transformers!! MUST TRY!!
Oh iya partner saya cobain Cyclon! Salute... Saya ga akan mau naik begitu, mau dibayar berapapun juga, hihi.. Jadi maaf yaaa, dia naik sendirian.
Khusus yang suka permainan menantang adrenalin wajib cobain Cyclon (tahun lalu pas kita kesini, permainan ini ditutup) mungkin karena maintenance, tahun ini buka.

Sore hari, sekitar jam 18.00 seluruh pengunjung mulai diarahkan ke luar area, karena area Universal Studio akan di sulap bertemakan halloween.
Seluruh pengunjung ditempatkan di dekat area pintu masuk saja.
Pegawai Universal Studio mulai di make-up dengan tema Halloween, terasa banget perubahan temanya.
Siang hari yang colourfull, berubah jadi mencekam. Snack-snack yang dijualpun juga bertemakan halloween, kaya minumannya di jarum suntik atau botol infus.

Di Halloween season malam harinya ga semua pemainan buka, hanya beberapa seperti Mummy, Transformer, Human & Cyclon, selebihnya rumah-rumh hantu, Beast Club, dan atraksi di jalan.
Yang paling serem adalah Alien, mereka tinggi-tinggi dan costumnya keren banget, saya paling takut sama ini. hehehe..

At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty,
your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.

Kita balik ke hotel kita jam 10 malam, kaki kita rasanya cenat-cenut, but WE HAD FUN.
So happy :)

Sampai hotel kita langsung istirahat karena besok belanja souvenir dan pulang.

Bye Singapore :) See you again, soon :*



Monday, October 5, 2015


First thing first, i wanna tell you that i am good at surprising people and i love doing that, especially to my special ones.
So this is the story about my manager's birthday, and i am as the EO :)

My manager is a good guy, he's also my best friend.
He loves Marvel so much and quiet popular in my office, he's a very good guy.
So i planned to give him surprise, here's the step:

1. Pick the place
On his special day, i want a place that comfy, homie and not too expensive, and not too far from our office, i discussed with some closest friends in my office, they gave me some ideas, so i decided to celebrate his birthday in Cafe Safari Ahmad Dahlan, Jakarta Selatan. (please klik the link for further  information about that cafe)

2. Collect some videos (birthday wishes) from my friends, family and people we knew.

3. Buy gifts

4. Cake
For this one, our friends bought the special cake from harvest and i choose the picture. I always called him Captain, and he loves Captain America that's why i choose this picture. Many thanks to my friends who supported the birthday party.

5. Arranging
Honestly it was quiet hard for me to 'menyatukan' many people. Marketing, Finance Team, Reception dan tim dari department lain, mulai dari jam pulang kantor sampe dimana mereka tinggal.
But many thanks for them, they helped me a lot, oh God, thank you for sending me wonderful creatures.

Singkat cerita, all the preparations are DONE!!!

The Day.

He came to the office, and everybody texted me what to do, mau belagak lupa atau gimana, so after discussion, supaya lebih terkesan natural saya putuskan untuk ucapkan seperti biasa aja. hehe, so everybody just said "Happy birthday, Bro. Traktiran dong.." As simple as that, and he didn't even know we arranged something, hihi..
Then the day berjalan seperti biasa, until at 5pm, semua orang balik seperti biasa juga.

At 5.30, ruangan kerja kosong, mereka sudah kumpul disana.
After a preparation in Cafe Safari selesai, barulah saya ajak dia keluar kantor for dinner.

Pas sampe sana..  jam 6.30PM, suasana depan restoran sepi seperti biasa.
dan begitu kaki dia melangkah masuk, everybody was singing a happy birthday song, with cake in the middle and gift.
Untungnya jam segitu cuma ada kami saja, jadi berasa 1 restaurant cuma ada kami hehe..

He was nervous dan ga menyangka akan kaya begini, mulai dari pianis, semua teman-teman kumpul ditengah dengan rapi, lengkap dengan baloon huruf N-I-C-K-Y M-U-S-A yang saya tiup di kanttor sorenya :)
i was very happy dengan team work dari semua teman-teman yang mendukung. Bahagiaaaaaa banget rasanya.

 Ini ekspresi pas liat kuenya dan gift buat dia dari kami semua :) Yup! He was crying like a kiddo. Dia benar-benar ga nyangka akan seperti ini ulang tahunnya, katanya ini pertama kali dia di kasi surprise, hihii.. lucu deh..

Selanjutnya acara di lanjut dengan makan-makan, karoke (oh iya, restaurant inikan ada live musicnya, jadi kalau ada yang mau karoke juga bisa) dan dance.. Yeaaahh..

Once again,
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-days journey around the sun.
Enjoy the trip, Captain..