

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live a lil bit better. I have ones and i call them BEST FRIENDS.

Well, this time i wanna share about my best friend and what we do :)

1. Play video games together
Yeah, this one of our daily routine, work together, hangout together and play video games together. Our favorite games are Army Of Two, Tekken and Resident Evil. This is the illustration how we play video games :

Dan kadang berakhir seperti ini................................

2. Tell secrets
The best thing about secret is secretly telling somebody your secret and thereby adding another secret to your secret collection of secret, secretly :)

3. Eat with each other
And he will sing "why you gonna be so faaaaat?" ------

4. Tell jokes

5. Gossiping
About anything, anytime we want.

6. Make your friend feel brave

7. Share toys
In this case i will always be the one who borrow his toys, PlayStation, watches etc :p Yeah! Lucky me! hehe x)

8. Share t-shirt
Idem! His t-shirt is my t-shirt, and my t-shit is mine! A man can't wear woman's t-shirt, right? Lucky me again!

9. Go shopping
Especially after we got salary, shop like crazy animal!

10. Watch a movie
He's a movie freak and i am a movie freak's bestfriend who always ngintil aji mumpung gretongan :p ;)

11. Dance
We have our own type of dances, oyong2an, absinth. and enak-ga-enak. LOL Actually he is a dancer, he taught me 'haule-haule dance', and when i tried i look like a monkey in topeng monyet, whaaaat thee fu*kkkkk.... *^%$$&*(*&@##$#$

12. Show a magic trick
When he shows me a magic trick, i don't know either he is smart or i'm stupid.

13. Tell a friend how you feel

14. Congratulate when something good happens

15. Join a club together
Gym! And we plan to learn silat and capoeira. Now we are taruhan, if i can make my awesome belly sixpack  in 2 months *until july 2015, he will give me Rp. 10.000.000, begitu juga sebaliknya.. \dag dig dug.... dag dig dug.............

16. Go on vacation together
Lost in beautiful places and doing stupid things together. Our next destination is Bangkok/Hongkong! Yihaa..

17. Give hugs

18. Forgives each other

19. Will make you want to laugh or cry at the same time

20. Put you in their prayer

21. Will not ran away after all the things you did

22. Wont get scared of your true self

23. Doing stupid things together
So many things we did, like we forget to pay food we ate (more than 5 times), forget to kembaliin towel hotel after gym (even the security didn't know it), pay one hat for two hats , went to a nightclub that full of teenage (we are the only one old-couple), he's farting in the cab, play tepok-tepokan punggung di mall when i wear backless #lol

and the most important thing about bestfriend is

24. Love you back!

In the end, i feel SUPER LUCKY to have a best friend like you :)

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